Morning sickness during pregnancy is a problem that is often experienced by a number of pregnant women in the early days of pregnancy. However, this problem will soon disappear by itself after reaching the age of four months of pregnancy. Pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester) usually experience feelings of nausea. Nausea and vomiting are also known as morning sickness symptoms.
Morning sickness causes
The causes of morning sickness during pregnancy are :
1. HCG hormone
HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is usually increased in the early days of pregnancy. It is not know what the cause of this increase in the hormone HCG. Increased hormone will lead to nausea in pregnant women.
2. Estrogen hormone
Estrogen hormones also increased sharply in early pregnancy cause nausea.
3. The increased sensitivity of nose
The doctors are of the opinion that the increase in hormones can trigger sensitivity Estrogen nose pregnant. However, it remains unclear whether the hormone estrogen is really influential to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
4. Sensitive stomach
Some experts believe that the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach sensitivities.
5. Stress
Some experts also assess that the response nausea and vomiting experienced mothers is a negative response from a sense of stress experienced. Again, no concrete evidence related to this case. Even so, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy experienced also because pregnant women increasingly feel the stress.
Morning Sickness Treatments During Pregnancy
To overcome this morning sickness during pregnancy, you can try these following ideas:
1. Drink vitamins
Multivitamin pill or tablet for pregnancy, B6 vitamins and minerals are good for preventing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. You can eat them individually, but good pregnancy multivitamin products usually are complete with both, along with other essential content for pregnancy. Ask your gynecologist to recommend a multivitamin that is right for you.
2. Listen to the music
Prepare IPod or other music player, and turn on a special compilation of songs to soothe on these turbulent times.
3. Drink a cup of mint tea
Not all of you who are pregnant want to drink ginger tea which is often practically efficacious for relieving nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Some researches in foreign countries are also concerned about the effects of excessive consumption of ginger during pregnancy on the fetus. Why not try peppermint tea, which is equally good to ‘ organize ‘ your stomach?
4. Try acupuncture
A recent study in the medical field have shown that acupuncture, traditional East Asian medicine with a special needle puncture at specific points on the body, can help soothe nausea and vomiting with a target around the puncture on the arm.
5. Drinking vinegar
When pregnant, the glands in the mouth produce more saliva and this can make you feel nauseous. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar (vinegar) in a cup of warm water and drink as friends – breakfast instead of coffee that can make stomach churned. The vinegar will dry the mouth and reduce nausea.
6. Get around the park
A study in the United States stated, mild exercise can help alleviate various disorders in pregnancy, including nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and heartburn. Use lunch hours to get out of the office for a moment and take a walk around the office – office certainly fun if you have a garden around it. Or do in the morning; breathe fresh air in the garden near the house.
So, you should don’t worry about morning sickness during pregnancy? It is a common thing to happen in early pregnancy. You can try the ideas above to overcome morning sickness.
Read more articles about morning sickness :
- Nausea During Pregnancy
- Understanding Nausea or Morning Sickness in Early Pregnancy
- Seeking Pregnancy Nausea Relief?
- Is Nausea in Late Pregnancy Cause for Concern ?
- Common Pregnancy Nausea Remedies
- When Does Nausea Starts in Pregnancy ?
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