It’s important for a woman to know the first signs of pregnancy, especially if you are trying to become pregnant. As soon as you become pregnant, it is important to begin a pregnancy nutrition and fitness program, see your doctor, begin taking prenatal vitamins, etc.
The most obvious first sign of pregnancy for most women is a missed period. If you have a regular cycle and know your schedule this may be the first pregnancy symptom that you notice. However if you have an irregular cycle, a missed period may be difficult to detect. Although a missed period is a sign of pregnancy it can also be caused by stress, changes in diet, sudden changes in weight and similar factors.
In addition to the change in monthly cycle, here are a most common quick list of early pregnancy symptoms that you can expect to notice:
Most Common Several Early Pregnancy Symptoms
There are several symptoms that you may be experiencing around the time that your pregnancy is confirmed. Some women experience all of the symptoms, while others experience very few or none. You may experience one or more of the following:
• Missed period |
This is not a definite sign of pregnancy. Some women actually continue to have their period while they are pregnant. This can cause quite a bit of confusion. Dieting, excessive exercise or certain medical conditions can cause you to miss your period. |
• Breast changes |
Your breasts or nipples may be sore or seem fuller all of a sudden. Your nipples may begin to darken and enlarge. |
• Headaches |
Headaches are common during early pregnancy. Hormonal and blood volume changes are the cause. |
• Nausea/Vomiting |
This is one of the most common complaints during early pregnancy. Also called morning sickness, although it occurs at any time during the day. Eat smaller and more frequent meals to help counteract this. Ginger can help control nausea. |
• Feeling bloated |
You may experience a bloated feeling, similar to what you experience right before your period is due. |
• Frequent urination |
ou may feel like you need to use the bathroom more frequently. This is caused by increased blood volume, hormonal changes and uterine growth. |
• Dizziness |
You may feel lightheaded and dizzy. This is a result of a hormonal changes and a change in blood volume and circulation. |
• Fatigue |
You may be feeling exhausted all of a sudden. Try to get to bed earlier or take naps during the day to help combat this. |
• Food aversions and cravings |
You may avoid foods that you normally like or you may start craving certain foods. |
• Intense hunger |
Some women feel hungry constantly. |
• Increased sense of smell |
Certain smells will become stronger to you. You may smell things that no one else is able to smell. |
• Cramping |
Period-like cramps are common. If cramps are one-sided or severe, contact your doctor immediately. It may indicate a threatened pregnancy. |
• Metallic taste |
Some women complain of a metallic taste in their mouth during the early stages of pregnancy. |
• Nasal congestion |
Increased blood supply can cause your nose to feel stuffy. Talk to your doctor before you take any cold medications. |
• Increased vaginal secretions |
Hormonal changes can increase the production of vaginal secretions. |
• Implantation bleeding |
Some women may experience light spotting or a brownish discharge around the time that they would normally be due for their period. The spotting can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. |
Below are early pregnancy symptoms which are faced by almost 99% of pregnant women
Early Pregnancy Symptom 1 : Nausea
This pregnancy symptom is not normally associated with your normal menstrual cycle, so it is easier to identify that some of the other first signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness and vomiting can also be a sign of illness, food poisoning and similar factors. If your morning sickness persists for more than one day, it is likely a sign that you are pregnant.
Nausea coupled with vomiting are often early signs of pregnancy and can start within a few weeks of conception. Although this is referred to as “Morning Sickness”, it can actually hit during any time of the day. Often it will affect you at the same time of day each day for a number of weeks. If this happens in the morning, before rolling out of bed, nibble on a few salted crackers. Even if you do not feel like it, you will be amazed at how well this works to curb the nausea. When dealing with Morning Sickness throughout the day, eat six small meals, and be sure to avoid spicy, fatty, or salty foods. By eating frequent small meals, you will never feel too hungry or too full. Snacking on a protein or carbohydrate before going to bed may also help alleviate the feeling of nausea. Some women never experience more than a simple upset stomach that lasts only days while the majority of women feel nauseated heavily during the first few weeks, and then on and off for the first trimester. If you find that you are overly nausea, contact your doctor who may be able to give you something to take to help alleviate the problem. Additionally, you need to be sure you are drinking plenty of fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated.
Pregnancy Symptom 2 : Spotting
Sometimes, a slight spotting will occur approximately 8 to 10 days after ovulation, meaning that it can happen within a few days of conception. Typically, this light amount of bleeding is not painful like you might experience with a full-blown menstrual cycle, and is not doing any harm. This spotting is caused by the fertilized egg as it attaches itself to the endometrial lining of the uterus.
Pregnancy Symptom 3 : Fatigue
In the early part of pregnancy, a feeling of overwhelming fatigue is quite common and annoying. This most often occurs around the third to fourth week and will most likely last until the second trimester at which time you will experience a sudden burst of energy. This feeling of exhaustion is caused by a rise in the hCG hormone along with constant changes taking place in your body. If possible, take a short nap in the afternoon. If you work, you might talk to your employer to see a quiet, private place is available where you can rest during your lunch hour. For some women, this is only a minor irritant but for others, it can be debilitating. This fatigue is normal and you have no reason to be alarmed. Do the best you can by resting, eating healthy foods, and eventually, the fatigue will start to let up.
Pregnancy Symptom 4: Breast Tenderness
Generally, during the first month of conception, you will start to experience tenderness in one or both breasts. This first sign of pregnancy can be difficult to detect since it is often associated with your normal menstrual cycle. If you experience tender breasts and your menstrual cycle is more than 2 weeks late, you’re probably pregnant. This symptom is also caused by the increase in hCG, and while uncomfortable initially, be reassured that the tenderness will eventually go away. You will find that even a slight touch will cause discomfort, and your breasts may begin to swell. The veins in the breast become more visible and the nipples may darken in color and become more erect. Not much can be done other than to wear a good, cotton bra that provides adequate support. You might also try alternating warm and cool compresses to see if you find relief. If the tenderness is severe, which is rare, you should talk to your doctor about other options.
Pregnancy Symptom 5: Darkened Areolas (nipples)
An obvious first sign of pregnancy is a darkening of your areolas (the colored skin surrounding your nipples). This pregnancy symptom occurs very early in pregnancy and may last the entire nine months. Since this symptom is not normally associated with your normal menstrual cycle, it is one of the first signs of pregnancy that most women notice.
Pregnancy Symptom 6: Frequent Urination
Sometimes treated as the “joke” of pregnancy, valid reasons exist as to why you are making more and more trips to the bathroom. Even during the first few weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is beginning to swell as it makes room for the growing fetus. This growth puts pressure on the uterus, which in turn, adds pressure to the bladder. Once this occurs, the bladder is over-stimulated, which then triggers the urge to urinate. Unfortunately, this one symptom does not go away. In fact, as the fetus grows, you will find that you are making more trips.
Pregnancy Symptom 7 : Lightheadedness or Fainting
This symptom can occur during the first few months as your body changes. Because you are now nourishing another life, your body will need an increased supply of blood sugars, which are the primary source of food for the fetus. If you do not eat frequent, small amounts, your blood sugar levels may drop, making you feel dizzy or light-headed. A great solution is to keep a package of crackers or pretzels in your purse or car. As soon as you start to feel a dizzy spell coming on, nibble on the food to help level your blood sugar.
Pregnancy Symptom 8: Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste
This is a first sign of pregnancy that many women experience very early in their pregnancy. For some women their senses are much more sensitive and easily noticeable, while others can barely notice the difference. There are few other factors that cause your senses to become more sensitive. If you experience this first sign of pregnancy, you’re probably pregnant. This is especially true if you experience this symptom with one or more other early pregnancy symptoms.
The above first signs of pregnancy can be difficult to detect since there can be other factors causing them. Many of the signs are similar to normal premenstrual symptoms which make detection more challenging. If you think you may be pregnant, you should take a home pregnancy test to know for sure. Regardless of the result, you should repeat the test within 7-10 days to confirm the results.
While you might experience several of the common symptoms of pregnancy well before have a test done, and even after the HPT indicates pregnancy, you need to visit your doctor for not just confirmation, but also other tests to ensure that both you and the fetus are and will remain healthy. If you are pregnant, you can start preparing emotionally and physically for the big event. As you can imagine, this one symptom of pregnancy is one that most women gladly welcome. Other symptoms of pregnancy will appear as you enter the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. If you are experiencing any or all of these, realize that what you are feeling is perfectly normal and that you are on the path to an incredible experience.
I’m Pregnant: What do I do?
Once you know you’re pregnant, you should call your doctor immediately. You need to begin planning your prenatal care, start taking special prenatal vitamins and begin a pregnancy nutrition and fitness program. The first few months of your pregnancy are the most critical since this is when your baby’s major organs and brain are developing. The first trimester is also when most miscarriages occur, so your nutrition and fitness are critical during this period for you and your baby.
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