Pedicure during pregnancy is safe. You may polish your nails during your pregnancy as the nails keep growing faster when you are pregnant. That is why, you need to do pedicure for taking care of your nails.
The pregnancy hormones may help nails to grow faster than usual. However, there is no evidence which tells you clearly about this certain nails growth during pregnancy.
You have to take precautions if you are visiting the salon for your pedicure, Make sure that it is well ventilated and use safer products to wash nail paint etc. Although, there are no proofs which says that use of nail paints is harmful during pregnancy but there could be a chance of headache or dizzy because of chemicals used in pedicures products. During pregnancy smelling sense become more sensitive and it may cause you feel awfull while using such products.
Pedicure During Pregnancy
Pedicure may be safe if you pay attention to some cautions. There could be something dangerous if you do the pedicure procedures without having the precaution . Even though there is not any clear proof, it should be remembered that taking care of the pregnancy is important than a pedicure. That is why; doing the pedicure appropriately is something important to do. As long as you don’t get the signals which tell you that your body is not feeling right, pedicure can be considered as safe. But, you have to stop doing the pedicure if you start feeling dizzy or having headache. The most important thing is that you have to keep your calcium needs on your daily meals.
Pedicure during pregnancy will be good to do in the last trimester. It is very useful for soothing the sore feet. This is part of taking care of the health to your feet. Besides that, the massage which is given to your feet will increase the circulation of the blood to the feet. It will be good for the health. Then, the massage can reduce the swelling. By having the massage, you can get the relaxing time. So, it can be concluded that pedicure is good for you.
Manicure During Pregnancy
The manicure in pregnancy is safe to do. You have to know that there is not any evidence which tells you about the chemical involvement to the pregnancy. That is why, it can be concluded that manicure is not harmful to the fetus. Manicure will be a wonderful thing to do when you are having the last month of the pregnancy. In that time, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your body. Then, having the manicure is a good idea for making the nails clean.
Even though having the manicure in pregnancy is good, there is some chemical product which should be avoided. One of them is acetone. This is a kind of chemical product which is used for removing the color of the nail. You may have the manicure during your pregnancy time once a couple weeks. It is not a danger for you. But you have to pay attention to the ventilation which the salon has.
So, what do you think now? Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy is safe for you. Do it carefully and keep safe your pregnancy.
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