8th Week Of Pregnancy
Baby development: How is your baby growing in 8th Week Of pregnancy?
The brain is growing rapidly now so your baby’s head is huge in comparison to the body. Muscles start to twitch as they contract, getting ready for independent movement. Bone and cartilage begins to form, and a tiny bud tongue appears. Ears start to sprout on the side of the head. Bends start to appear where hands and arms meet, forming the wrists. Your baby’s ovaries or testicles start to form, although they’re too small as yet to be picked up on an ultrasound.
Body changes and symptoms during 8th week of pregnancy
Smiles one minute, tears the next. You’ll be feeling up and down as those hormones continue to wreak havoc in your system. Physiologically you’ll be adjusting to the start of your new life as a mom-to-be. It’s normal to feel anxious about the health of your baby, whether you’ll cope as a new mother and how you’re going to afford it all. It could lead to lots of dreams about your baby. You may have an early ultrasound if you’ve had previous complications, such as pain, bleeding or fertility treatment, or have previously had a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms of 8th week pregnancy
Mood swings are completely normal during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in your body and the start of a huge upheaval in your lifestyle. Stick to a balanced diet and don’t overdo the sugar and caffeine, which can make your moods more erratic. (Use the Caffeine Calculator to see your daily totals.) Pamper yourself, get plenty of exercise and talk to family and friends. But if you are persistently sad, can’t concentrate, have sleep problems or gloomy thoughts, you may be suffering from depression. Visit your doctor for advice or referral to a therapist.
Your to-do list and care during 8th Week of pregnancy:
Devise an exercise plan. What activity you choose depends on your fitness levels before you became pregnant. But walking, swimming, yoga and Pilates are good choices. Always ask your health care provider before undertaking any exercise program. Keeping fit is important for a healthy pregnancy because it eases many pregnancy ailments. Studies show that you’re less likely to have complications during labor if you’ve exercised regularly during your pregnancy. And you’ll return to your pre-pregnancy size quicker.
read more: on walking during pregnancy
Wow! Did you know…
The intestines initially grow outside your baby’s body, in the umbilical cord. As your baby grows they slip inside the body.
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