9th Week Of Pregnancy
Baby development: How is your baby growing in 9th Week Of pregnancy?
Your baby starts to look more like a baby now, and is beginning to move like one too. The tiny fingers are making grasping movements and exploring everything in range, particularly the umbilical cord, which is usually within easy reach. Touch is the first of the five senses that your baby begins to develop. Your baby is trying out the newly formed joints by bending and flexing limbs, wriggling and shifting position. The eyelids are growing over the eyes and will stick together to protect the developing irises beneath. The eye opens again near the end of the second trimester.
Wow! Did you know…Your baby now has fingerprints.
Body changes and symptoms during 9th week of pregnancy
You might be feeling some twinges and cramping in your abdomen and a thickening of your waist as your womb stretches to accommodate your rapidly expanding baby. Before pregnancy your uterus was roughly the size of a tennis ball; by the end it’ll be bigger than a football.
Signs and Symptoms of 9th week pregnancy
Cramping is caused by stretching ligaments and contractions as your womb grows and changes position. Most menstrual-type cramping should ease by the second trimester when your womb becomes supported by your pelvis. Changing your position or sitting/lying down and putting you feet up can help ease discomfort now. But if it becomes painful (particularly in the lower abdomen) and lasts more than a few minutes or is accompanied by bleeding, it could be a symptom of ectopic pregnancy (where your baby is growing in your fallopian tube) or miscarriage.
Your to-do list and care during 9th Week of pregnancy:
Find out about the pregnancy tests you’ll have. It’s important to understand what’s involved, the possible risks and what the tests tell you exactly. You also need to consider what you’d do if the results aren’t as expected. Some are screening tests, such as the blood test for Down syndrome and ultrasounds, which give you an estimate of your chances of a particular problem. Others are diagnostic tests, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis, which can tell you whether your child has a birth defect or abnormality, such as Down’s or spina bifida. (Check out the Guide to Pregnancy Tests and Procedures.)
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