Every pregnant woman definitely wants to keep her pregnancy so that the child can be born healthy. Unfortunately not all children are born into the world in a healthy condition. Some are born with an unbalanced height and weight; even some are born with disabling conditions. The abnormalities in these babies can be caused due to many things, ranging from lack of maternal nutritional intake during pregnancy, the hard work performed when the mother was pregnant, suffered disease, or even because of the genetic. The disease rarely recognized by these pregnant women is insomnia and insomnia can lead to high blood pressure in pregnant women.
Insomnia is a very reasonable thing experienced by women who are pregnant, and it was normal issue. Insomnia in pregnant women is usually caused by the uncomfortable sleeping position, because of all the babies. The normal bedtime recommended for pregnant women is about seven to nine hours every night. Basically insomnia is not a disease to be aware by the pregnant women. The effects of insomnia is what should be aware by the pregnant women, pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia causes a lot of things, some of them are the waste of protein in the urine, swelling in some certain parts of the body, pain in the head, and the worst is high blood pressure.
Insomnia Causing the High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is one of the illnesses to be aware in pregnant women, unfortunately not everyone is aware of it. If a pregnant woman is suffered from high blood pressure, it is possible that the blood flow to the placenta or infant will be far less than it needs. This condition usually occurs in the sixth month until the time of delivery. The lack of blood flow to the placenta can cause the low weight of the newly born infant, or even look skinny; unlike most babies are usually looks chubby.
How to Prevent High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy
Luckily, the high blood pressure in pregnant women is common and many who gave birth to the infant who are healthy enough. Some tips that you can try are:
1. You should try to sleep about seven to nine hours every night. This can be tricked by not taking a nap so you can sleep more restful at night. If you are really sleepy during the day, sleep 30 to 60 min is enough, do not overdo it.
2. Try to drink more water. Meant here is mineral water. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day, or about 2.5 liters of water every day.
3. Choose nutritious food intake and rich in nutrients. Reduce the use of salt in your cooking, or reduce foods that contain lots of salt.
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