Pregnancy is happiness for women. Waiting for the baby birth time by time make them cannot wait how does the baby looks like. However, beside of the happiness there is fear and worry that can cause hair loss of pregnant women. Pregnancy and hair loss is a kind of classic problem which is always happened to all of pregnant women. If you experience hair loss during pregnancy, you are not alone because lots of pregnant women experience same thing. There are variant types of hair loss, ranging from normal hair loss up to severe. The reason of hair loss of pregnant women is about the hormonal. By doing right hair treatment and having great food intake during pregnancy will help a lot in reducing the amount of hair loss.
Is There Normal Hair Loss during Pregnancy?
Pregnancy and hair loss are actually normal condition which is experience by pregnant women. It is happened because of the changes of hormone. As mentioned above that there is normal hair loss condition which can be experience by pregnant women. You do not have to worry if you have hair loss, it is a kind of normal stage because of hormonal changes.
What Causes Hair Loss during Pregnancy?
If some of you already have hair loss problem before pregnancy, it can be sure that you will have hair loss when the pregnancy period and even becomes worse. Hair loss of pregnant women is caused of hormonal. It is happened when the estrogen and progesterone hormonal that should be released through menstruation is stopped because of pregnancy stage and body has to change it by producing HCG hormone or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This thing causes some changes of body and skin included hair and scalp. The hair and scalp become oily and limp so that it makes hair brittle. Moreover, hair loss is also caused of lack of nutrients during pregnancy. This is usually happened in second trimester and it gets its peak 3 t 4 months after the birth. During the pregnancy, you have to consume; protein, Vitamin C, vitamin B and mineral.
Can Hair Loss during Pregnancy Related Health Issue
There is no bad health issue between pregnancy and hair loss. Hair loss will not be related to pregnancy health, there is only worse hair loss during pregnancy that must be aware. Some of pregnant women may experience it, but this problem is common happened after the birth. Lack of nutrients and hormonal changes are the main cause of hair loss. The worse hair loss effects of pregnant women are hair become thin or even bald, but it is rarely happened. You do not have to be worried about this problem, because your hair will back to normal condition when the hormone comes balance about 6 to 12 months after the birth.
Tips for Hair Loss during Pregnancy
Besides of filling nutrients during pregnancy in order to avoid heavy hair loss, such as vitamin E, B, C and protein, there are other tips for pregnant women to overcome hair loss. First, wash your hair regularly with shampoo that has silica or biotin substances. Those substances can stimulate the follicles and make hair stronger. Avoid use chemical substance for hair. Always use large comb to prevent more hair loss. Do not tie your hair with hair pin too often, it is better to leave your hair loose to make it relax. Trying to relax and calm in any condition during pregnancy. Emotion and stress have a major influence of hair loss during pregnancy. Last, it is better if you have short haircut, because long hair will be heavier that cannot be hold by the scalp.
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