After you have got married, what thing you might want to have in your life? Yes, you might want to have babies for completing your little family. After the efforts you have done for having your baby, you have to know whether all your efforts give you good result or not. In this case, some women who are having their missed period get their ‘weapon’ for knowing their pregnancy status. This is the home pregnancy test. Many women choose this because of its simplicity and easiness when they use the tool for knowing whether they are pregnant or not. The privacy is also the considered thing they take when they test their pregnancy.
How to Take Home Pregnancy Test
Home test for pregnancy has been done by many women for knowing their pregnancy. In this case, many women have tried to use the urine test for their pregnancy test. But, many women don’t know how to use it perfectly and properly. They need to have their pregnancy test to be accurate for having best result. Many women are asking how to take a pregnancy test. This is because although the pregnancy test which is packed in the strip is looked to be easy and simple to use, it is actually quite difficult to be used properly. All you need when you are using this pregnancy test is your careful and detailed usage.
How Pregnancy Test Works
Before knowing when is the best time for you to use your pregnancy test strip, you have to know first how your pregnancy test works. The way most pregnancy test strips work is by detecting a particular hormone released by pregnant women through urine. This is why the strips will be placed in the urine. The hormone which is used for detecting your pregnancy status is hCG. This is the sign for you to know whether you are pregnant or not.
How does the hormone work? When is the best time for you to get your test?
The key of having accurate result for the pregnancy test is actually when your hCG hormone level is high enough for being detected by the pregnancy strips. When you are looking for the best time for doing test, you might have to consider the test to be done in the sixth day after you missed your period. This is reasonable because your hCG hormone will be released in the sixth day after your missed period. So, the most effective time when you want to check your pregnancy status is in at least a week after you missed your period.
Doing your pregnancy test in the morning is also recommended for getting more accurate result from your pregnancy test. Doing test in the morning will get your urine to be more concentrated, which means it will be easier to detect any hCG hormone in your urine. You have to also remember that you have to do your test frequently. This is because the earlier you take the test, the less accurate the result you will get.
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