Ok so you now finished your 4th week of Pregnancy and entered in 5th Week of your pregnancy we have tried to cover the 5th week in detail. Off course you can always suggest us improvements.
5th Week Of Pregnancy
When you are 5 weeks pregnant, it is probably the best time for her to take pregnancy test at home and visit at Gynaecologist asap. Somehow, during this week the mother may not look like that she is pregnant, but the embryo’s heart is not bigger than a poppy seed, and it will start to beat and pump blood in embryo. The heart will also get divided into rooms and finds a more regular beat soon. At this stage the embryo is about a quarter inch or half a centimetre big in size and it will look like a similar to Tadpole in size and shape more than human being. It undergoes a growth spurt this week.
What happen during 5th Week of Pregnancy
Baby’s Major Organ Start’s Developing
During 5th week, All the major organs e.g liver, kidneys, heart start begin to grow and also start developing. But, at the same time the neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord will close. By the end of 5th week the embryo’s both the limbs upper and lower limbs start appearing in a bud form, these will be later develop as the child’s arms and legs.
Additionally, both the intestines and the appendix start taking their place under embryo’s body is during 5 weeks of pregnancy. Below the opening, it will later form as the baby’s mouth. There are small creases on the neck and on the lower jaw that will eventually form and develop. Starting this week facial features are already forming. Nostrils are more distinct and the first version of the eye’s retina is formed.
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Signs and Symptoms of 5th Week Pregnancy
Symptoms of pregnancy may start or continue this week. If you are like most women, you will notice nausea not just in the morning, but, other women only notice a slight queasy feeling occasionally while some other pregnant women just don’t have any problems with morning sickness at all. Also, fatigue, body malaise and pain in the breasts, and a need to urinate more frequently, cramping or mild cramping may feel due to the growth of uterus, spotting or bleeding (20-25% of pregnant women have spotting during pregnancy), headache due to blood volume increases during pregnancy. These symptoms are all normal although they are all annoying on the part of a pregnant mother but the good thing is that they are simply part of being pregnant so the symptoms won’t last forever.
However, some pregnancy symptoms should never ignore. Like for instance, severe cramping or bleeding or if pregnant mother experience any danger signs of early pregnancy she should consult her doctor immediately. Her doctor or midwife is there to help her in these circumstances.
Tests and Checkups during 5th week of pregnancy
Once the pregnancy is confirmed through home pregnancy test kits, the gynaecologist should be consulted, who will perform the initial examination. In most cases he’ll use either pregnancy test kit or he’ll confirmed by a urine/blood test and perform the first ultrasound examination.
Here the mother gets the “mother card” or “pregnancy chart” in this Doctor will examine and enter your data (eg family history, weight, blood pressure, urine tests, blood type etc) this entire data get recorded and later used in the development of the baby during pregnancy.
As long as the pregnancy is not as high-risk pregnancy, doctor will advice to follow an appointment every 2 weeks a simple checkup and screening.
Each screening appointment gynaecologist will also examine the following:
- blood pressure
- Urine (sugar and protein content, bacteria)
- Weight of the pregnant woman
- Blood test to detect haemoglobin (via small prick in the finger) to prevent iron deficiency
- Location and size of the uterus (this is important, how high the upper edge of the uterus sits)
- Heart sounds of the baby are intercepted
- Location of the baby (from the second half of pregnancy)
At a glance: Week 5 ultrasound images of pregnancy
Diet during 5th week of pregnancy
It is important to eat well at all stages of pregnancy so that your baby gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive. Small, regular meals and regular fluids can help prevent indigestion and combat nausea and fatigue. A mother should make sure to get enough rest and sleep to prevent headache. A cold compress on the back of mother’s neck may also relieve headache.
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