Pregnant woman have so much to deal with during their pregnancy. It is not only about the emotional suffering but also major physical discomforts as well and “Back Pain” is one of them. In a study by Sihvonen T, Huttunen M, Makkonen M, Airaksinen O (Arch Phys Med Rehabil), “About 50%-90% of pregnant women suffer from some kind of low back pain at some point during their pregnancy periods or during the childbirth period” (pain intensity may vary case to case). and this common “Low back Pain” often mistaken as “Sciatica”
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic nerve pain can have a sudden onset and can last for a few days or years. This nerve is located in the lower back area and when inflamed it is a condition known as sciatica. The nerve becomes compressed and this causes the intense pain. The pain presents as a sudden stabbing and intense pain in the lower back. This nerve is one of the largest in the system and is about the size of one’s thumb. The root is located in the lower spine and branches out down the hip and goes to the foot. It goes behind the joint of the hip and is located deep within the buttocks. Statistics say that of the entire population of the world, almost eighty percent suffer from some type of pain in their lower back.
What is Sciatica?
“Sciatic nerve” is the largest nerve in our body which runs through backbone and travels down to the legs in various branches which helps to move muscles and to feel sensation down to the feet.
Sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy symptoms
Sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy or any other time is a result of the nerve becoming inflamed from being entrapped or from being stretched. The area it occupies is narrow but a disc in the back can become herniated and press into the space and compress the area. Arthritis can cause swelling that infringes on the space it occupies. All these symptoms can result in a sharp intense pain during movement. The pain from sciatica has been described as tingling, burning, numbness, and stabbing pain.
What Causes of Sciatica
Sciatica generally caused by slipped disk or a Rupture in a spinal disk which leaks the gel from spinal disk it is known as a “Herniated Disc”. Usually people get confused in Slipped disk and common low back pain during pregnancy. However, in 22nd week till end weeks (third trimester), the fetus starts taking its birth position which increases the Uterus which may build the pressure on back which may press the Sciatic nerve and gives you similar pain symptoms similar to Sciatica pain during pregnancy.
Studies show that sciatica occurs more often in people who smoke and people who do very little exercise. Truck drivers and people who spend long hours sitting in cars have been diagnosed with this type of pain. Articles in JAMA and Lancet say that active people can suffer from sciatica too. A woman would be more vulnerable to this condition and sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy occurs with some frequency. Hormones released during gestation cause the joints and ligaments to loosen in preparation of the birth of the child. Sometimes this will interfere with the lower back region and cause this condition to present.
Prolonged sitting or standing can make the pain worse. Sudden movement like rising suddenly, laughing, or sneezing can cause the pain to flare up.
Treatment of Sciatica During Pregnancy
Treatment for the condition does not involve rest. Prior to 1997, physicians recommended best rest as part of the treatment plan. A study published in 1999 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that bed rest did not provide any benefits over those gentle movements that were used to treat the pain and encourage the area to heal. When bed rest was the treatment of choice, it was found that muscles tightened and lost strength and flexibility. To prevent these side effects of treatment, most doctors suggest that other treatment options involving gentle movement can be a better option.
Though there are treatments can which can help with the sciatica during pregnancy; the most effective is to relieve the tension in the muscles. Light Stretching and exercise will help the pain. Massaging the affected area will relieve some of the pain and discomfort, but every person is different and will respond differently to treatments. Some pregnant ladies need deep massaging and others need gentle vibrations to relieve the back pain, pregnancy is different in every woman as is pain. Massage does, however, release endorphin which react as a pain reliever.
Home treatments and remedy for relief in sciatic nerve pain
In minor case, you can treat your sciatica during pregnancy at home yourself. Heat or ice work well to give you relief in back pain. During pregnancy you may have to sit for long period of time, so applying heat pads or hot water bottles to the affected area this will give you relief in pain. Warm baths are ideal to help with sciatica during pregnancy, and can ease all aches and pains. Loosening up the muscles before doing some gentle exercise will help with the pain. You will be able to achieve greater movement if the muscles are relaxed. Ice can then be applied if there is any inflammation after the exercise routine, it will help to bring any swelling down and ease the pain.
Home Remedy of Sciatica During Pregnancy
Some pregnant woman choose to use traditional home remedies to get relief in sciatic pain, Taking small amount of Ginger and turmeric have showed effective results when treating inflammation. There are also specific diets you can follow to try to deter the sciatica symptoms. Obviously, you must take these remedies under qualified naturopath or herbal doctor.
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