The stages of pregnancy are commonly called trimesters. The three trimesters span a total of forty weeks. The first and second pregnancy trimesters are each thirteen weeks long and the third pregnancy trimester is 14 weeks long. Your forty week pregnancy begins with the first day of your last menstrual cycle. The standard use of a pregnancy start date, the forty weeks and the pregnancy trimesters (or stages) is critical because of the difficulty in determining the date of conception. Doctors needed a standard pregnancy cycle so they could define the normal symptoms and growth expected during each week and stage of pregnancy. All pregnancy resources use this same standard pregnancy cycle. This is the same cycle your doctor will use to determine if your baby is developing normally.
Stage 1 of Pregnancy: The First Trimester
The first stage of pregnancy is probably the most critical. During this stage both you and your baby are experiencing alot of changes. It is extremely important to identify your pregnancy as early as possible so you can begin to take special care of yourself to ensure the health of your baby. Your fitness and nutrition are very important during this period. Most miscarriages occur during the first pregnancy trimester.
The first trimester is when your baby is going through the the most critical phases of its development. By the time you are 13 weeks pregnant your baby has all the parts of an adult, can make a fist, is roughly 3 inches long and weighs a little more then an ounce. The baby’s sex organs have also developed but are usually too small to identify at this time.
Morning sickness and vomiting are common during this stage of pregnancy and may be the first recognizable pregnancy symptom you experience. For many woman, this symptom ends before the second stage of pregnancy begins. You may also experience breast tenderness, spotting, mild cramping and fatigue. Many early pregnancy symptoms may be difficult to detect since they are similar to menstrual cycle symptoms. It is usually advised that you avoid all prescription, over the counter and herbal medications during this stage of pregnancy to avoid potential birth defects, malformations and miscarriage. Although you have started to gain weight, there is usually no need for maternity clothes at this time.
Stage 2 of Pregnancy: The Second Trimester
During the second stage of pregnancy you will be more aware of the impact pregnancy is having on your body. You will gain more weight and become easily fatigued. It is important to listen to your body and to get additional rest. Everyday activities can become exhausting. Your nutrition and fitness is critical during every stage of pregnancy to ensure your baby gets the nutrients it needs to develop and grow. Exercise is very important during pregnancy and can minimize some of your discomforts. You also want to monitor your weight gain. Gaining too much weight or too little weight are both unhealthy for you and your baby.
For most women, morning sickness and vomiting has ended or will end during the first few weeks of the second pregnancy trimester. Pregnancy symptoms that typically develop during the second or third trimester include: heartburn and indigestion, back pain, gas and bloating, constipation, leg cramps and hemorrhoids. Your pregnancy will be showing and maternity or loose fitting clothes will be needed. During this stage of pregnancy you will be able to feel your baby’s movements and notice their waking and sleeping patterns.
Your baby is growing fast during the second pregnancy trimester. By the end of your 26th week of pregnancy your baby looks similar to a newborn, has fully developed eyes, has finger nails and finger prints, has eyebrows and eyelashes and baby’s skin is less transparent because of the development of fat. Your baby is now 12 -14 inches long and weights about 2 1/2 pounds. Your baby’s sex can easily be determined. If you gave birth at the end of the second pregnancy trimester your baby could survive with modern medical technology.
Stage 3 of Pregnancy: The Third Trimester
During the third stage of pregnancy, you have a big belly and your baby is kicking. You are still fatigued, feeling a little fat and anxious to meet you new baby face to face. Your baby is also getting anxious. Most of the pregnancy symptoms from the second pregnancy trimester are still present and your back aches may worsen because of the additional weight. Your baby is growing very fast and gaining the most weight now. Although birth weight varies, the average birth weight for newborns is between 6 and 9 pounds.
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